Seminar “Basic coaching skills” held in Belgrade on 27-28. June 2014
Reporter: Katarina Andrić
On June 27 and 28, 2014, the Association of Foreign Language Schools of Serbia YALS, together with the Association of Andragogues of Serbia and the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, organized a two-day seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The lecturers of the seminar entitled “Basic coaching skills” were Dr. Aleksandra Pejatović, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Jelena Jakovljević, president of the Association of Andragogists of Serbia, as well as Dubravka Mihajlović and Edisa Kecap, researchers-interns at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
The seminar was designed as a two-day exercise carried out in several thematic sessions. On the first day of the seminar, the focus was on different types of support for the learning process, visualization and presentation of content. Participants were introduced to moderation techniques, which was a great way to practice public speaking skills. Each session included presentations and hands-on activities that generated quite a lively discussion among the participants. The second day was dedicated to tools and mechanisms for planning and holding a successful workshop.
At the end of the seminar, the participants gave very positive feedback, which was interpreted as a stimulus for further cooperation.