Cara Jovana Crnog 8, 11000 Beograd
011 382 2722

Founded in 1983.

Livingston – The school  is in 8 Cara Jovana Crnog Street , in an inviting ambience of a private family house in a quiet and lush green part of Zvezdara, Belgrade.

The school has successfully cooperated with numerous professional organizations involved in modernization of teaching such as YALS, ELTA and the British Council, as well as with the elementary school “Veljko Dugošević”.

The Livingston Language Center follows the European trend of general quality control of services in the field of foreign language teaching.

What we do

Language courses


  • all ages and levels, from preschool to adult
  • from the starter level E to the highest, C2
  • General and business language, preparation for international exams, school competitions
  • For companies and their employees
  • Individual or group courses
  • At the school, in companies and online


  • For elementary and high school students

Elemenatry and high school

A big number of children, teenagers, have studied languages at Livingston and have successfully passed international examinations at various levels, which has enabled them to further pursue their education at prestigeous universities. Every year our students achieve notable results in school competitions in foreign languages.

The team

The successful operation of the school is due to a well-coordinated team of professional, experienced and motivated teachers, psychologists and pedagogues, who are equally interested in the language itself and in working with the students. Our team of teachers is constantly improving their skills and following the latest trends in the field of foreign language teaching.

How we work

Methodological approach we pursue is holistic. Our goal is to combine language learning, the natural need for communication and getting to know another culture into a unique, natural and playful whole. Main asset in conducting classes is – our long and rich teaching experience.

  • Communicative method: we learn a foreign language in order to talk, share ideas, trust each other, get to know and understand other people and other cultures
  • Holistic approach: it is based on the latest findings about how we learn – information is presented in such a way as to activate different types of intelligences
  • Developing awareness of the learning process: participants learn how to learn and which learning techniques are most suitable for them. Learning awareness is knowledge that can be used later and beyond our classrooms

Organization of teaching: it is done in small groups (3 – 8 students). Special attention is paid to monitoring the progress of each student during the course. After completing the course and passing the final exam, participants receive certificates of attendance and completion of a certain level.

Knowledge levels are clearly determined according to the YALS set of level which was adapted from the Common European Framework for Languages and the corresponding programs are carefully selected in accordance with the age, prior knowledge and needs of participants.

School environment is pleasant. Classrooms are equipped with modern audio and video devices  and computers that are actively used in classes. Within the school office, there is a well-equipped library available to course participants.