Invitation to YALS Conference: From the Heart of England: Teaching Revisited
Dear Colleagues,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the regular annual conference titled
From the Heart of England: Teaching Revisited
organised by YALS, the Association of Language Schools of Serbia and Blackbird Language School from Čačak as part of Erazmus + programme. The presenters will share their experience gained within the programme.
This seminar will be held on 24 November 2018 at
“GUARNERIUS” – Centre of Fine Arts, Džordža Vašingtona 12, Beograd.
The presenters will be:
Mike Hogan, director, trainer and coach at York Associates, Great Britain
LJubomir Vasojević, Course Director of Blackbird Language School
Milena Sredojević, academic coordinator, and teachers Marijana Ćendić, Ivana Grujović, and Ivan Petrić, who took part in the project.
The lectures and workshops include experiences gained during organising projects within Erazmus+ programme, developing teachers’ competences, approaches to the theme of culture, aspects of teaching methodology and use of new technologies.
The conference programme refers to Saturday from 10.00 am do 4.00 pm.
We hope that you will join us and help make this conference a success.
Best regards,
Chair YALS
YALS Conference Programme 2018