Josipa Kramera 34, 25230 Kula
025/729102, 064/1197925
Osnovana: 1996.
O nama

About Us
BLUE MOON is a private foreign language school, founded in 1996. It is located close to the town center in a pleasant residential area and well provided with excellent facilities such as three comfortable and spacious classrooms, a multi-purpose hall, an excellent library, computer and audio-visual resources, an internet club, an Admissions Office and not to forget a nice garden and yard to relax and play. Throughout the year, about 250 students are studying courses at the school. We welcome students of all ages above 5 years old. Teaching, management, premises and administrative services are in accordance with European standards which promote and guarantee quality in language schools.A Tradition Of Quality
For 10 years BLUE MOON has been offering high quality- English
- German and
- Italian courses
A Record Of Success
BLUE MOON students have a strong record of success in English language examinations, especially Cambridge examinations, which may be taken at the British Council in Belgrade: YLE, KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC as well as IELTS. Recently school became a EURO EXAM Local Testing Center. Students and teachers work hard to achieve good results. Personal attention and excellent academic facilities contribute to our success. The language programme is well established and based on CEF levels. Courses are offered at all levels and ages throughout the year from January to December:- General English
- General German
- General Italian
- Intensive English
- English for Special Purposes (Business, Secretarial)
- Tailor-made courses for closed groups
- Summer Courses (June – September)
- Individual tuition
- Preparation courses for entry exams

Language Study Plus…
Language (study) classes are based upon a comprehensive syllabus designed to promote systematic structured learning and progress in all language skills. Teaching is flexible and student-oriented to take into account your needs and interests, and those of the group. Teaching of the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking is integrated and particular attention is paid both to grammatical accuracy and communicative skills. Course content is based on contemporary interest raising themes and topics related to life and of general interest to all, especially young adults. Your teachers take particular responsibility for your academic welfare by using a wide variety of teaching materials from our well-stocked library. Homeworks are set regularly and play an important part in your language development. Regular assessments monitor your progress. Detailed records of work and progress reports are provided at regular intervals.Academic Staff And Facilities
Our well-qualified and experienced staff are open, understanding and international in outlook. Language staff regularly attend seminars to keep fresh and up-to-date in teaching.Our Aim
Our aim is to cherish the tradition of language learning as well as high academic standards among the people who are studying here. We look forward to welcoming parents and prospective students who would like to come and see the school before applying.