Evaluation and monitoring in adult education
The Fifth Andragogical Regional Academy was held in Zagreb from 27th to 29th June 2013, at the Laguna Hotel. The event was organized by Adult Education Society in cooperation with dvv international
from Bonn. The theme “Evaluation and monitoring in adult education” was skillfully delivered by the lecturer, Aleksandra Pejatović, PhD, from the Faculty of Philosophy at Belgrade University. Being a course provider for various groups of adults, YALS also had its representative who took part in this training.
The training was intended for professionals who work in the field of adult education and are bound to perform different types of evaluation in order to administer, develop and analyse the programmes for adult learning. Dealing with this versatile topic the seminar proved to be extremely useful.
In the less official part of the conference the participants had the opportunity to enjoy the city walks, to socialize with the colleagues from the neighbouring regions as well as to enjoy the excellent organization of the stay in Zagreb and the hospitality of the hosts.
Report by Maja Gavrilović