4th YALS online spring meetup for 7th and 8th graders

4th YALS online spring meetup for 7th and 8th graders

Reported by Jovana Kostić

On Friday, 30 May, 7th and 8th graders had the opportunity to participate in the fourth joint lesson organized for Yals schools.
Students were led through the murder mystery by teachers from Britannica Niš, Jovana Kostić, Marija Vojvodić, and Milica Gojković.
Their main task was to find out the name of the victim, the name of the murder weapon, and the name of the murderer through various interesting exercises.
while solving the mystery, the students practiced their listening, speaking, and reading skills, and they revised modal verbs of prediction.

Britannica team would like to thank all the students and the teachers from 4 different schools, Oxford School Leskovac, Lingva Valjevo, Lingva Belgrade, Livingston Belgrade, who attended the joint lesson.